Year To Success

Lesson 6: General Life Purpose

What is your general purpose here on the earth? Does your existence make the world a better place? Consider the statements below and think about where you currently fit in. There is no right or wrong answer. 

1) I am here to live the highest quality life I can. This includes working toward constant self-improvement and engaging in leisure activities such as golf and fishing. My time on this earth is limited, and I will do what I can to get the most self-gratification possible.

2) It is my purpose to provide for my family and give my family the highest quality of life possible. My “free” time should be spent with my family, for my family.

3) My purpose on this earth is to do as much good for as many people as possible within my lifetime. I realize that there is a world beyond myself and my family that needs something that I can provide.

Don’t confuse general life purpose with just “life purpose.” General life purpose is a starting point for determining your life purpose that helps you decide who and what is most important in your life right now.

See this as a scale with your typical self-centered individual on one end and someone like Gandhi on the other end. Where do you now see yourself on this scale? Would you like to be somewhere else on the scale? Before you blurt out an answer somewhere near a Gandhi, be realistic and consider the sacrifices and lifestyle of each step in the scale. Consider what is “socially acceptable” and if you are willing to defy social boundaries by living your life differently than most. If you are a family-oriented person and you wish to shift more to #1 or #3, how will your family react? Will they support you? What if they don’t?

This exercise in finding your general life purpose is one of the many very important first steps to success. You must be at peace with yourself and feel no guilt as to what you desire from life. Once you have this confidence, the pursuit of your goals becomes easier and more enjoyable.

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