The Course of Uncomfortable Ideas

Lesson 1: The Structure of This Course

In this section, we will cover cognitive biases and why they are important, I will share a few words about myself, and we'll explore "political correctness."

In section two, we look at the meaning of “uncomfortable idea,” specifically what uncomfortable ideas are, what it means to avoid them, and why it’s so important to entertain them and, at times, embrace them.

Section three deals with the most common unconscious and conscious reasons why we avoid uncomfortable ideas and includes dozens of examples, most of which will fall outside your comfort zone.

Section four looks at why we refuse to accept uncomfortable ideas that we would likely accept if they weren’t uncomfortable.

In section five, you are presented with several uncomfortable ideas that should make you rethink many of your core beliefs.

Not everyone will find all of these ideas uncomfortable, but the chances are most of you will find most of these ideas uncomfortable. Don’t avoid them; entertain them and either accept them or educate yourself as to why they shouldn’t be accepted, so you will be prepared with reasons as to why the ideas are bad when someone is attempting to convince you otherwise. This is the foundation of critical thinking.

Additional Course Resources

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