Rules of Reason

Lesson 1: Course Introduction

Welcome to my course based on my book, Rules of Reason: Making and Evaluating Claims. I wrote this book with the course in mind, as I felt it would work better as a course. Like all my courses, you can participate as much or as little as you like. If you want to just watch the presentations, then great. If you want to participate in the lesson discussion questions and exercises, even better.

Let's get started!

There is no quiz for this lesson.

Activate the "e-mail drip" feature. We will e-mail you the text of one slide per day. This is a 1-2 minute read that makes completing a course easy for the busy person who can't make the time to take the course interactively. If you select this option, you can still participate in the interactive part if you wish. E-mails will begin with the next lesson not completed.