How To Easily and Profitably Publish Your Book

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Lesson 1: Course Introduction

The lessons in the course are based on my 10+ years of experiencing publishing my own books as well as helping thousands of authors publish their books. You need to be thinking about marketing and promotion from the start and take important steps before you publish your book. I present these lessons in an order that I have found to make the most sense, although there is quite a bit of flexibility here. For example, you might choose to publish your book in print a year after your ebook.

For each lesson, I have discussion questions, lesson exercises, or both. These are optional, of course, but the more you do the more you will get from this course.

There is no quiz for this lesson.

Activate the "e-mail drip" feature. We will e-mail you the text of one slide per day. This is a 1-2 minute read that makes completing a course easy for the busy person who can't make the time to take the course interactively. If you select this option, you can still participate in the interactive part if you wish. E-mails will begin with the next lesson not completed.

We Do the Heavy Lifting for You

Ebook, Print Book, and Audiobook Creation and Distribution
and Marketing!

We have been providing authors and small presses with ebook publishing services since 2010. We offer ebook publishing (creation, formatting, distribution), print on demand services, audiobook creation, editing/proofreading, and even online courses designed to help authors make their books best-sellers. Please let us know how we can help you!

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