Welcome to my Life Mastery course! This course has been several years in the making and I am continuing work on it with the anticipated completion by Fall of 2020.
Since age ten, I have been fascinated by the self-help genre and as a researcher and social scientist, I have studied the self-help genre's more respectable, academic big brother... the psychology of well-being. The bottom line... this course contains high-quality information that will educate, motivate, and inspire. This is based off one of my best-selling books, Year To Success.
Most lessons will contain discussion questions and/or exercises. I encourage your to actively participate in this course by using the lesson forum because active participation increases retention, but this is your learning experience, and you can interact with the material as you wish.
Look out for additional lesson resources. For many of the lessons I have includes several links to YouTube content that I have reviewed and found to contain useful and accurate information on the topic. Some of this is new material, and some just supports what I already presented in the main lesson videos.
Don't feel bad if this course takes you a long time to complete. It is not a race; it is a learning experience. Pace yourself but set goals as well... perhaps one lesson a day. Your course, your choice.
Best of Success To You!
Bo Bennett, PhD
Course Instructor
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