Self-paced, Online, Lessons
Videos and/or Narrated Presentations
Approximate Hours of Course Media
As intuitive as the Virversity online course platform may be, it always helps to have someone walk you through the whole process, showing you tips and tricks along the way. Hello, my name is Bo and I am the guy who created this software and been running online courses for almost a decade. I actually wrote my doctoral dissertation on online education, so if anyone can help you make the best course possible, it is me (if I do say so myself!)
Learn Step-by-Step How To Build an Online Course Using the Virversity Platform
Take a look at the lesson plan below to see all that we cover. In addition to taking this course, you can use it as a technical reference while building your course, jumping around as needed. The course forum serves as the technical support system for Virversity. So ask questions, answer questions when you can, and participate in our community!
This is the best course ever!!!
Bo Bennett's personal motto is "Expose an irrational belief, keep a person rational for a day. Expose irrational thinking, keep a person rational for a lifetime." Much of his work is in the area of education—not teaching people what to think, but how to think. His projects include his books, The Concept: A Critical and Honest Look at God and Religion, Logically Fallacious, the most comprehensive collection of logical fallacies, and Year To Success, a full year course in success. Bo has a podcast/blog called "The Dr. Bo Show" at where he takes a critical thinking-, reason-, and science-based approach to issues that matter with the goal of educating and entertaining.
Bo holds a PhD in social psychology, with a master's degree in general psychology and bachelor's degree in marketing. His complete bio along with current projects can be found at