Do-It-Yourself Book Marketing and Promotion Master Class

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Lesson 3: Tough But Necessary Questions

Don't let anyone tell you that you are not a good enough writer or that your book isn't good enough. The industry is full of stories of authors whose books were rejected by publishers yet they went on to become world famous (e.g., J.K. Rowling). But take a close and real look at your book and do your best to accurately assess where your book falls on the continuum from "awesome" to "sucks big time." In this lesson, I help you overcome some of the biases that might prevent you from seeing your book as other people see it.

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Create Your Personalized Book Marketing and Promotion Plan

Create your personalized book marketing and promotion plan. You select the services that you want included. Upon completion of the form, you will be sent a detailed plan via e-mail. No obligation.

Create Your Personalized Book Marketing and Promotion Plan